This is a really good deal. Normally, the care bear charm (individual pcs here!) costs $4.90 per pc and the Mirror sells at $4.90 each but now they are combined into a uber cute and fun bag charm which comes with a lovely pink Grosgrain ribbon bow and various czech beads.
The Care Bear Mirrors are imported from US and are slightly scruffed on the mirror side but still reflects perfectly fine. Available in Grumpy Bear (Blue), (Cheer Bear) Pink and (Funshine Bear) Yellow too!
The Care Bear charm and mirrors can be mixed and matched to your liking and ribbons can be changed to other types or colours too. You can choose the charms from the link above. There is Funshine Bear, Cheer Bear, Grumpy Bear, Oopys Bear, Wish Bear, GoodLuck Bear and so forth. So bascially, its a customised bag charm with your all fav colours and characters from the Care Bear Family.
Email me if you have any queries!
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